mike hollis
Since he arrived in Luxembourg in 1982 (as far as i remember), he became my favourite DJ on 208. Of course along with Rob Jones, Bob Stewart, Barry Alldis, Benny Brown and many more. I first met him at Villa Louvigny in 1986. It was amazing to see him live on air. He was very nice and showed me all around and in that famous 208-studio. In 1991 I visited him in the new studio at Kirchberg what they closed down only 1 year later. Over the years I spoke to him on the phone for several times. After the closure the contact broke. I'm still very proud of these pictures... 
click on picture to enlarge
The pictures shot
(as far as I remember)
on the 26 Dec 1986
8.35 - 9.25 pm
in Studio 5 at
Villa Louvigny
Big thanks to Mike Hollis for his time.
If you've made photos in the Luxembourg studios please contact me at   mail at rtl208.com
© Stephan Konrad 1996 - 2012